Appearance Guide: How to make your own colour schemes for Sinmad.
Here below you can see what is inside the a typical .yaml file from \Sinmad\Appearance\Factory\ on Windows or [Sinmad plugin bundle]/Contents/Resources/Appearance on Mac OS X: --- Theme: product: Sinmad version: 1.1 format: 1 name: green green Appearance: mainBackgroundRGB: [24, 26, 29] controlBackgroundRGB: [43, 43, 43] highlightLineRGB: [16, 214, 97] plainLineRGB: [132, 132, 132] highlightFrameRGB: [132, 132, 132] plainFrameRGB: [32, 32, 32] displayValueFontRGB: [192,192,192] activeValueFontRGB: [16, 182, 97] inactiveValueFontRGB: [129, 129, 129] controlActiveRGB: [16, 182, 97] controlInactiveRGB: [104, 104, 104] sliderTrackBackRGB: [5, 5, 7] sliderTrackFrontRGB: [98, 98, 98] knobRimRGB: [5, 5, 7] knobIndicatorRGB: [250, 250, 250] labelFontRGB: [192, 192, 192] tooltipFontRGB: [197, 197, 197] graphBackgroundRGB: [43, 43, 43] graphSignalRGB: [200, 200, 200] graphPeakRGB: [16, 182, 97] graphClipRGB: [215, 0, 0]
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