Appearance Guide: How to make your own colour schemes for Sinmad.

Here below you can see what is inside the a typical .yaml file from \Sinmad\Appearance\Factory\ on Windows or [Sinmad plugin bundle]/Contents/Resources/Appearance on Mac OS X:

  product: Sinmad
  version: 1.1
  format: 1
  name: green green
  mainBackgroundRGB: [24, 26, 29]
  controlBackgroundRGB: [43, 43, 43]
  highlightLineRGB: [16, 214, 97]
  plainLineRGB: [132, 132, 132]
  highlightFrameRGB: [132, 132, 132]
  plainFrameRGB: [32, 32, 32]
  displayValueFontRGB: [192,192,192]
  activeValueFontRGB: [16, 182, 97]
  inactiveValueFontRGB: [129, 129, 129]
  controlActiveRGB: [16, 182, 97]
  controlInactiveRGB: [104, 104, 104]
  sliderTrackBackRGB: [5, 5, 7]
  sliderTrackFrontRGB: [98, 98, 98]
  knobRimRGB: [5, 5, 7]
  knobIndicatorRGB: [250, 250, 250]
  labelFontRGB: [192, 192, 192]
  tooltipFontRGB: [197, 197, 197]
  graphBackgroundRGB: [43, 43, 43]
  graphSignalRGB: [200, 200, 200]
  graphPeakRGB: [16, 182, 97]
  graphClipRGB: [215, 0, 0]

You can make your own appearance file by copying the example above in any text editor. Then you can change "name:" and all "Appearance:" colours values as [red, green, blue], value range from 0 to 255. To add your custom theme just save your file, using the .yaml extension, into the user "appearance" directory for your platform:

  • Windows: \Sinmad\Appearance\User\
  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/NUSofting Data/Sinmad/Appearance/
(examples: 00_MyScheme.yaml) Then click "reload appearance" in the "?" menu on the Sinmad toolbar, and your custom appearance will appear inside the colour schemes menu on the toolbar, to be selected just like the other colour schemes.

Appearance Guide: meaning of the names in the YAML appearance files Appearance Guide

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